Wednesday, August 10, 2011

What does it matter to you if the couple "down the street" are married or not? Allegedly, if the couple is of homosexual behavior, it doesn't matter to anyone but them.

1 comment:

  1. People of homosexual behavior are experts at hinting at ideas and using vague words such as "matter", "meaning", "significance", etc. This is because they are able to hide their sexual preference, and over the years they've learned to hint at other people to find out if they share the same sexual preference (there's no gay gene - we are still waiting for the scientific proof, and we already have proof against it). Talk to a person of homosexual behavior and there will be a lot of "acting" in front of you.

    Put another way: What does it matter if the couple "down the street" copulate through the anus, and (since they don't engender children on their own, they can both work) donate to lobbying agencies to legalize their union on an equal basis as natural marriage or civil unions?

    It matters, in a Legislative way, because in a democratic nation we are all involved in making law, to some extent, perhaps in expressing our opinion, or voting for our elected politicians.

    As concerns religious marriage of a couple of homosexual behavior, it doesn't matter. It is a matter of freedom of religion. But it matters greatly as concerns civil marriage: Note there are only 4 viewpoints to chose from:

    a) Excluding adult couples of homosexual behavior from civil marriage - impossible. It is not possible to separate people on the basis of their private life - that would be a contradiction.

    b) Excluding adult same-sex couples from civil marriage, in general. That means also excluding any roommates in college, as well as close blood-related couples.

    c) Including all adult couples.

    d) Excluding everyone from the benefits and recognition of marriage (getting government out of the civil marriage "business", as if they made a profit.)

    So, locally ("down the street"), as far as can be seen from the street, it doesn't matter what happens in someone's private home (or shouldn't), because people of homosexual behavior, if they follow the law, are not going to invite children into their home without the respective parent's permission (or would they?). That would apply to all homes "down the street".

    If the law is followed, we don't normally care whether ANY couple "down the street" is legally married or married by the church. In fact, as insensitive as we have become, we don't even care if they are getting divorced, or whether one of the persons is getting the beating of his life.

    But when it comes to legislation of the values and categories of civil partnerships which can change what is legal and what is not, and which will affect how we live our lives, and how Public School will educate our children, you bet it matters.

